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Membership Fees 2024/25 Season

All membership types (excl social) will allow you to use any of the 5 quality squash / racketball courts, the modern changing facilities, the private members bar, and the strength & conditioning suite. Social members are unable to book squash / racketball courts but can make use of all the other facilities such as the Private Members Bar. For general bookings members are provided with a log in for the online court booking system. Squash / racketball court fees are £7 during peak times (weekdays 4:45pm - 8pm) and £5 off peak (£2 off peak for Juniors). Also courts are free to use before 8:30am and after 9:15pm. See below details of our membership fees and instructions on how to join:

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If you join as either an adult, FT Student or Junior members then all leagues (including court fees) are included within your membership fee. Team league matches take place on a Tuesday evening for squash and Wednesday evening for racketball. If you would like to join the team leagues but do not have a team in mind please contact us, all standards are welcome.


Please contact the league admin if you wish to join the squash / racketball leagues if you are an off peak member.


Membership Cards

Each member will receive a personal members card pre loaded with £20 credit (£10 for juniors) which can be used for purchases in Boasters Bar. Purchases made using the members card will benefit from a 15% discount and these cards can be topped up at any point. The cards also provide members access to the building via the door entry system. If you join part way through the season then the credit loaded onto the card will be prorated, i.e. if you join 6 months into the season you will receive a £10 credit. Please note that any initial credit remaining on the card at the end of each season will be cleared on 31st August, however if you top up your card then this money will not be cleared.

First Year Discount

If you haven't been a member of the Jersey Squash & Racketball Club for at least 5 years you are able to take advantage of our 50% first year discount! Please note that this discount has a 12 month binding contract there will be no refund if you cancel within the 12 month period and is not applicable for off peak , junior or social memberships.   


Personal Lockers are available to hire for the year at a cost of £50.

For more information please contact us.


How to join

If you are an existing member you can renew your membership online by following this link.  

If you are a new member who'd like to benefit from the 50% discount please purchase a new membership by following this link and click 'new members' on the left hand side. 

Please note that we are no longer accepting any form of membership payment other than via the club solutions link above. I am afraid if you pay via bank transfer, cheque or cash this will be returned to you and you will be asked to join via club solutions. 

Cancelling a membership

Monthly memberships can be cancelled at any time, however if it is within the first 3 months then a minimum 3 month membership charge will apply. If an annual membership is cancelled you will not be eligible for a refund, although this may be reviewed in the case of a long term injury or illness.

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